Top 10 Halloween Costumes for 2014

Halloween is quickly approaching! Check out our top costume ideas for 2014 and share your own ideas in the comment section!

Posted in Holiday Ideas by on October 10th, 2014 | There are 0 Comments

With only 21 days remaining until Halloween it’s about time to finish up that Halloween costume! Or, if like me, you are still in shock that it’s already October, it’s time to get shopping for one!

To help you get started, here is the official DealTrunk Top 10 Halloween costumes list shopping guide for 2014.

Best Adult Costumes for 2014

Are you the type of person that likes to go with a topical Halloween costume each year? Something that would recap one of the big social media talking points over the past year? Well do you remember the 2014 Grammys? Even if you didn’t watch, I’m sure you’ll understand our first Halloween costume pick:

1. Pharrell Williams’ Hat

Talk about an easy costume to throw together that will be easily recognizable and comfortable to wear all night!

2. The Ice Bucket Challenge Costume

Were you one of the brave souls that (a) dumped a bucket of ice water on yourself, (b) jumped into a bucket of ice water, or (c) snuck up on a friend with a bucket of ice water, all with good intentions to help out charity? Why not recreate the experience with a little DIY costume?

A bucket, a blue bed sheet, and some plastic ice cubes. Pretty simple!

3. A Robin Williams Character

Of course not all 2014 events have not been so happy. The world was shocked and saddened with the news of Robin William’s death. However, Halloween seems like a pretty great time to honor this legend.

How about throwing on a wig, grabbing a broom, and dressing up as Mrs. Doubtfire?

Not interested in a “most relevant” costume? How about a favorite TV show or movie, like these next three?

4. Orange is the New Black

5. Game of Thrones

6. Maleficent

Of course you don’t have to dress up like a TV or Movie character to be instantly recognizable like the next two costumes:

7. Beer Pong Cup

[DealTrunk disclaimer: don’t blame us if you spend the night as the target of flying objects!]

8. Social Media

With a quick Google search you will find tons of examples of DIY Halloween costumes to dress as social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or YouTube. Making some of these costumes can be as simple as using posterboard.

Decorate the boards as desired to make your social media costume memorable!

Although it’s tempting to try to create the most memorable Halloween costume, we certainly won’t blame you for sticking with some of the tried and true Halloween classics:

9. Star Wars

10. Super Heroes

Keep an eye out for deals on these items and more on the DealTrunk Google Chrome Extension as they become available!

What will you dress up as this year? Let us know in the comment section below!